Wednesday, 23 October 2013

English week 43

This week we're continuing to look at great women in history AND experimenting with some shared online English work with students in Sophie-Scholl-Schule Leutkirch.

We're using Twinspace to communicate, writing blogs, sharing our experiences and ideas and learning about one another. There's quite a lot to do there, so when you get the chance, log in, fix your profile and take a look at the project area - particularly the "My generation" project which we'll be working on next.

Many thanks for the class presentations so far on Coco Chanel, Cleopatra, Hypatia and Florence Nightingale. It's been really interesting to glimpse the different worlds that these women inhabited and see what they had in common. Looking forward to learning about more great women after the holiday!

Next week we have a half term break. So make the most of it. I mean, it's not like you're going to get another one before Christmas is it?

Whatever you do, don't swallow any musical instruments.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Min tolkning / Din tolkning v.6

I vår sista träff, vi ska fundera lite över konspirationsteriorier.

Varför tror vi eller andra på sådana teorier?

Hur kommunicerar vi med personer som ser allting som en konspiration?

Sen reflekterar vi över Ludwig Wittgensteins tankar om religion och predestinationsläran, med särskilt fokus på det här:

Christianity is not a doctrine, not, I mean, a theory about what has happened and will happen to the human soul, but a description of something that actually takes place in human life. For ‘consciousness of sin’ is a real event and so are despair and salvation through faith. Those who speak of such things (Bunyan for instance) are simply describing what has happened to them, whatever gloss anyone may want to put on it.

Predestination: It is only permissible to write like this out of the most dreadful suffering - and then it means something quite different. But for the same reason it is not permissible for someone to assert it as a truth, unless he himself says it in torment. - It simply isn’t a theory. - Or, to put it another way: If this is truth, it is not truth that seems at first sight to be expressed by these words. It’s less a theory than a sigh, or a cry.
Culture & Value 1937.

Vilka ord och handling kan tolkas som "a sigh or a cry"?

Tack så mycket till er som deltog i Min tolkning/Din tolkning.
Det har varit lärorikt och roligt!

Sunday, 13 October 2013


Meditation baserade på Ignatius examen: God in all things: Morning examen
Music for airports (Eno/Bang on a Can)
Psalm 176: Din klara sol

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Min tolkning / Din tolkning v.5

Vad kan det här betyda?

Hur ändras våra tolkningar när vi ser hela bilden?

Det är inte alltid lätt att komma överens om vad nånting betyder. Till exempel, hur tolkar du Hesekiels syn (Hesekiel 1:4-28)?

Vad tror vi att Hesekiel beskriver?

Vad trodde folk före oss om Hesekiels syn?

Hur är vi påverkat av vår kultur och omgivning?

Sen byta vi ämne...

En vacker bild - vilka tänker har du när du titta på den?

Hur tolkar vi ansikter, klädder, blick, äpplen, löv, rök, solnedgång o.s.v.?

När Judas hade fått brödet for Satan in i honom. Jesus sade: ”Gör genast vad du skall göra!” 28Ingen av dem som var med vid bordet visste varför han sade detta till honom. Eftersom Judas hade hand om kassan trodde några att Jesus hade sagt åt honom att köpa vad som behövdes till högtiden eller att ge något till de fattiga. Men Judas tog brödet och gick genast ut. Det var natt.
Johannes 13:27-30

Vad betyder natt för dig och för Johannes?

Inför nästa vecka...

Sunday, 6 October 2013

English week 41

First, a little handout derived from to practice some common verbs in the simple past tense - From Bed to Work in 27 Easy Steps.

There's a lot of past tense this week because we're going to focus on women who changed history. We start on a religious note...

St Bridget of Sweden
Let the music to help you drift far back in time to the early 1300s. This was when a baby girl called Birgitta was born into a rich family, probably living near Uppsala, Sweden.

It's difficult to imagine how different life was back then. Sickness and death were never far away - even if you were rich. Rather than take comfort in riches and wealth, Bridget chose a very different path, asserting her right to preach the gospel and challenge injustice. She created religious communities where women could devote themselves to prayer, learning and provide hospitality for victims of poverty and injustice.

This old picture of Saint Bridget reveals some important aspects of her life - her pilgrim's hat, her writing, her inspiration, her noble birth, her greatest love and her religious habit (clothing).

She was declared a saint on 7th October 1391 - look at a Swedish calendar and you'll see the name, "Birgitta" on that day.

Here you can download our St Bridget story and worksheet.

Bridget of Sweden is the exception to the rule that history is made by, written by men and all about men. So having looked at Saint Bridget, we'll explore the lives and legacies of other important women in history. This time it's over to you to do some digging and present your findings in class!

If you need a bit of inspiration, browse the all encompassing Fordham University's Women's History Sourcebook, explore the different themes highlighted by Smithsonian - Women's History and Heritage Month, or use A-Z Biographies of Women as a starting point for further research.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Min tolkning / Din tolkning v.4

"The law is reason free from passion" (Aristotle)

Hur tolkar vi regler och lagen?

Vi tittar på 3 tolkningsprinciper i England, nämligen:

Plain meaning (literal) rule
Mischief rule
Golden rule

Och sen på några exempel av lagar som påverka oss på olika sätt. Vi tolkar följande enligt "mischief rule" och reflekterar över hur mycket vi följer/bryter mot lagen:

Konvention om barnets rättigheter (FN)

De tio buden (Bibeln)

De fyra grundlagarna (Sverige)