Wednesday 23 October 2013

English week 43

This week we're continuing to look at great women in history AND experimenting with some shared online English work with students in Sophie-Scholl-Schule Leutkirch.

We're using Twinspace to communicate, writing blogs, sharing our experiences and ideas and learning about one another. There's quite a lot to do there, so when you get the chance, log in, fix your profile and take a look at the project area - particularly the "My generation" project which we'll be working on next.

Many thanks for the class presentations so far on Coco Chanel, Cleopatra, Hypatia and Florence Nightingale. It's been really interesting to glimpse the different worlds that these women inhabited and see what they had in common. Looking forward to learning about more great women after the holiday!

Next week we have a half term break. So make the most of it. I mean, it's not like you're going to get another one before Christmas is it?

Whatever you do, don't swallow any musical instruments.

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