Tuesday, 28 January 2014

English week 5

Steven Seagal sadly cannot make it to Monday's
Aktivitetstorg but sends his best wishes.
This week we're doing all sorts of different stuff.

From the outside, it looks chaotic but if you look very closely, you'll see that it's actually very highly organised and disciplined.


A-bas students have an "aktivitetstorg" to prepare for Monday 3rd February, so they've got to pull out all the stops for that. If anyone can think of how to translate "aktivitetstorg" to English, they deserve a medal.

Artist's impression of student
in English class at Hagaberg.


Meanwhile everyone else is slogging their way through vocabulary exercises about physical appearance. Actually, it's a very rewarding activity - I have never seen such a contented, happy looking bunch of students.


A rare window of opportunity opens on Wednesday - the computer room is free! This will allow students who are not busy with their "Activity square" preparations or their appearance vocabulary to continue analysing adverts.

Have a good week!

Sunday, 19 January 2014

English week 4

This week we're analysing advertisements.

There are two aims with this activity.

1) We learn a lot of English to do with feelings, desires and products.
2) We learn about how advertising works and how it affects us.

I posted the following exercise in Twinspace so our partners in Sophie-Scholl-Schule, Leutkirch, Germany can see what we're doing and maybe even join in.

The activity is partly inspired by this document:  Lopez, Antonio. "Advertising Analysis". Accessed 19 January 2014. http://www.medialiteracy.net/pdfs/hooks.pdf

Here are the questions I posted in our Twinspace under "Choose an advert..." - post your adverts and answers there!

First of all, choose an advert - not just any ad but one that catches your attention.

1) What product is being advertised?

2) Describe the setting of the advert - all the background details.

3) Describe any people you see in the advert.

4) What hooks does the advert use to make you interested in the product?

5) Who do you think the advert is aimed at?

6) What feelings do you experience when you see this advert?

7) Add any final thoughts about this advert and the product it advertises.

8) Look at someboday else's advert and post some comments on their chosen ad - to see how much our perceptions differ.

Next week, it would be really nice to present your adverts to the class and discuss each one - think about it!

Monday, 13 January 2014

English week 3

This week we're trying a different way of working - and trying to look on the bright side of life with the help of material from BBC Learning English.

Here is the material: How to...Point out the positive side of a situation

And here's where it came from: Learning English - How to....

Friday, 10 January 2014

Äta Sova Dö

Första dagen med A-ledare!
Tillsammans med A-bas ska vi titta på en film som klarar "Bechdeltestet" - Äta sova dö.

Raša heter huvudpersonen - en 20 års kvinna som bor med sin pappa och som blir av sitt jobb.

Filmen vaknar många frågor och under kommande veckan ska fokusera på några ord.

Vad betyder följande ord, vad betyder inte dem.
Hur viktigt är dem och vad betyder ord för andra människor?





Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Introduktionsdag - Jag på Hagaberg

Idag ska vi jobbar med en viktig fråga: Hur skapar vi en bra skola?
Efter en gemensam introduktion ska vi jobba i små grupper med följande utgångspunkter:

Jag är här för att…

Jag behöver….

Jag kan bidra med…

Jag önskar att mina lärare…

Jag önskar att mina klasskamrater…

Allt som vi skriver lägga vi upp i våra klassrum och vi rita en sammanfattning i form av ett hus och sen ska vi gå titta på varandras hus.

Några resurser som kanske stimulera diskussionen...

Derek Shivers: håll dina mål för dig själv (3:16) - bra med referens till "Jag är här för att..."!

Ramsey Musallam: 3 regler för att få lärande att gnistra (6:30) - 

Faith Jegede: Vad jag har lärt mig av mina autistiska bröder (5:20)