Sunday 19 October 2014

Social media impact project

One member of our class has decided to take a look at the costs and benefits of being connected 24/7 to one another via smartphones and social media.

I'm posting some links here and will update it as we find new material...

Epipheo. (2013, May 6). What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains [Video file]. Retrieved from

Laird, S. (2012, Sep 6). Are You Addicted to Your Smartphone? [Infographic]. Retrieved from

MySecureCyberspace. (2012, June 12). Think Time: Teens and Social Networks [Video file]. Retrieved from

Pflugfelder, E. (2013 Sep 20). Does your Smartphone Make you Smarter? [Video file]. Retrieved from

The Monthly Video. (2013, May 2). How the internet is rewiring our brains (p1). Nicholas Carr with Gideon Haigh [Video file]. Retrieved from

The Monthly Video. (2013, May 2). How the internet is rewiring our brains (p2). Nicholas Carr with Gideon Haigh [Video file]. Retrieved from

Turkle, S. (2012, February). Connected, but alone? [Video file]. Retrieved from

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