Thursday 14 September 2017

Problem solving 2

This week, we're continuing to learn more about problem solving - this time with the help of business journalist and author, Anne Kreamer. Here's the handout and questions:

Creativity Lessons from Charles Dickens and Steve Jobs

In one of the classes, we tested our ability to discern whether a person was a member of the Democrat or Republican party. It's not easy - try it here: AI can tell Republicans from Democrats – but can you? Take our quiz

But getting back to the whole problem solving and creativity thing, Anne Kreamer mentions the Remote Associates Test (RAT) If you fancy giving your brain a workout, try this: A collection of tasks from the Remote Associates Test of Creativity

We also looked at this interesting short video where Kreamer gives good, practical advice about how to handle a person crying at work:

And finally, here's the entertaining clip that that my colleague Anne G. shared to help you translate Swedish swear words to English:

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