Wednesday 18 March 2020

Video + Quiz = Nice

Before I die, I should get round to tasting a Subway sandwich. Problem is, I'm too shy, self-conscious and indecisive. If they had a sort of Soviet Russian version with just one type of sandwich, I'd probably go there.

Anyway, for some reason, mysterious algorithms directed me towards watching this video about Subway. As a loyal servant of our machine overlords, I obeyed.

It turns out that Business Insider's YouTube channel is a goldmine, especially if like me, you're interested in what makes businesses tick.

Liking the video a lot, I decided to get my students to watch it and designed a quiz in Google Forms to test their understanding and stimulate interest in what it takes to be successful in the fast food business. Here's a link to the quiz:

Embarrassingly, the quiz contained many errors which my very gifted and attentive students pointed out. So if you like this quiz, you really have my students to thank.

This link lets you make a copy which you can adapt and publish: Quiz: The rise and fall of Subway but you'll need to send an access request as there's no safe way to share a form for copying whilst preventing everyone with the link being able to edit the original.

Google Forms is a fantastic tool when you want to check if students have read a text or watched a video and really understood it. A well designed quiz lets you check if everyone understands core concepts and language before launching into more ambitious group work on a subject.

Here's a guide that helped me get started: Create & grade quizzes with Google Forms

Finally, my students give Subway an average score of 3.35 out of 5 which is pretty positive. I must ask them about other fast food outlets...

Narishkin, Abby. 28 July 2019. "The Rise and Fall of Subway". Business Insider. Retrieved from:

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