Sunday 3 November 2013

English week 45

Variations on a sentence

We took a sentence and then did everything we could think of to manipulate it:

N. discovered a nice swimming pool in Gnesta.

N. didn't discover a nice swimming pool in Järna.

What did N. discover in Gnesta? A nice swimming pool.

Did N. discover anything nice in Gnesta? 
Yes, a swimming pool!

N. has discovered a nice swimming pool in Gnesta.

N. hasn't discovered a nice swimming pool in Järna.

What has N. discovered in Gnesta? A nice swimming pool!

Where has N. discovered a nice Swimming pool? In Gnesta.

and so on... 

Issues facing young people today

1) What do you think are the biggest issues facing young people today? Make a list.

Here's what the class came up with:
  • Playing PC games all night instead of sleeping
  • Stressed out due to being online 24/7
  • The internet generally 
  • Global warming
  • Global economic crisis
  • School
  • Too large groups - hard to concentrate 
  • Spoonfeeding information
  • Homework - too much, wrong type, leading to disparities
  • Burden of having to make important choices when young
  • Overloaded with information and activities
  • Family life
  • Shortage of jobs - unemployment
  • High pressure to be "successful"
  • Uncertainty about what the future will bring
  • Drugs
  • Too many choices
  • Declining mental and physical health
2) Once we've done our own list of issues, we'll take a look at this short film:

Here are some issues that these North American university students identify:
  • Apathy
  • Being yourself
  • Cars and traffic
  • Compassion for others
  • Diet and obesity  
  • Environmental problems
  • Media influence
  • Relationship with technology
  • Tolerance
  • World peace

3) Compare the issues they identified with what you came up with. 
  • Is there anything you'd like to add to your list? 
  • Anything important they missed out?
4) Now we'll draw up a table with issues and how we should respond to those issues. The responses might be at a personal or social level, depending on the issue and how we think it should be handled.

Youth bulge

Young people are often viewed as a problem in themselves. Take a look at this article: Youth Bulge: A Demographic Dividend or a Demographic Bomb in Developing Countries?

Now look up some population pyramids here:

What countries face problems due to a shortage or excess of young people?
How can we solve those problems?

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