Tuesday 12 November 2013

English week 46

First of all, a grammar exercise:
Let's conjugate a verb today - positive & negative

I have to apologise - we forgot to cover "past perfect" (I had....) but we'll do that next time.

This week we're looking at the positive and negative aspects of being online from a teenager's perspective.

Do you know where your children go online? is a Guardian article based on the testimonies of several young people of different ages talking about what they do online.

In class, each student takes one young person's testimony, reads it and then answers the following questions:

a) Identify:

1) Things that person sees as positive about having access to the Internet.

2) Problems that person (or people they know) have encountered because of having access to the Internet.

3) What things that person does to keep themselves safe online.

b) Add your own reflection on what that person wrote – for example, if you agree, have a similar experience or would like to give advice.

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