Tuesday 9 February 2016

The Obesity Era

We are looking at 2 works examining the issue of rising obesity and diabetes:

Poland, L. (Director). (2014). Carb Loaded: A Culture Dying to Eat [Motion picture]. USA: The Scene Lab.
More info: https://www.youtube.com/user/CarbLoaded

Berreby, D. (2013, June 19). The Obesity Era. Retrieved February 7, 2016, from https://aeon.co/essays/blaming-individuals-for-obesity-may-be-altogether-wrong

 We're going to have a seminar examining the issues raised by these two works on Monday 15th February.

When watching the film and/or reading the article, ask your self the following:

  • What main message is(are) the author(s) trying to put across?

  • Identify particularly interesting points made by the author(s) that you'd like to talk about.

  • What issues raised by the author(s) deserve further research? 
When we have the seminar on Monday, we'll divide into 2 groups - one group will focus on the film and the other will focus on the article.

Each person will be invited to say something about the film (see the 3 questions above) and then the discussion will be opened up to all members of the class.

To make it a good seminar, you need to have really thought about the article/film and read a bit around it.

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