Text: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3tnmkaB4Navd0NZa0pnaDRkU3M/view?usp=sharing
Podcast: http://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2016/jan/22/no-diet-no-detox-how-to-relearn-the-art-of-eating-podcast
Original article: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2016/jan/05/diet-detox-art-healthy-eating
"Traditional cuisines across the world were founded on a strong sense of balance, with norms about which foods go together, and how much one should eat at different times of day."
To see if this is true, describe one or more "traditional meals" in terms of ingredients and nutrition.
"It has become common in the past couple of decades for many toddlers to eat no fruit and vegetables at all..."
What things need to change about the way we introduce children to food and what we feed them?
"Once we accept that eating is a learned behaviour, we see that the challenge is not to grasp information but to learn new habits."
At a national or European level, are there structural changes* that we should make to improve our dietary habits?
* e.g. regulation, taxes, new laws etc.
More on food by Bee Wilson...
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